Colors Podcast

I don't listen to Podcasts very much because I find that I easily forget to listen to the voice while getting distracted by things going on around me. I am definitely more of a visual learner. I felt the Podcast was interesting but felt their thoughts felt scattered. I particularly took interest in the segment about the differences in seeing colors between different mammals. It's crazy to think that a small shrimp can see 9 more colors than a much larger human can see. Our one red cone is the difference between a dog's ability to see blue, yellow, black, and white while we can see violet, red, orange, and other colors of the rainbow.
It was slightly to disturbing to hear that Isaac Newton stabbed himself in the eye to investigate how humans see colors. It sounds insane but it's remarkable to imagine that a scientist is so dedicated to discover something that he inflicts serious pain on himself. The podcast overall brought to mind a question that I sometimes wonder; how would I describe color to a blind person? If this task were required of me, I think I would relate colors to feelings, such that I would describe the dark blue ocean as being solemn and mysterious. A banana would be joyous and energetic.

I looked up "Describing color to a blind person" and came across this video on Youtube!


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