
This piece discusses images that are symbolic of something else, sins and virtues in this case. Lost when Calvino discusses a “luminous source in the skies that transmits ideal images.” Apparently, these images are formed either through the imaginary world or through God’s will. I interpret this to mean that based on one’s own mindset, individuals interpret vague images differently.                                                                                                                                             It seems that Dante creates a distinction between a more “out-there” imagination and a more concrete one. As an actor, I could imagine that it is challenging to identify between what he actually sees versus what he thinks he sees. 
I become lost when Calvino dives into religion, specifically Catholicism. What I understood from that religious paragraph was that the church was able to use visual communication in the form of art. This religious art was meant to teach something about their religion. It was intelligent of the church to use this method of teaching because it can get across to a large audience and gets “to the point” of the meaning behind it.                 
The article also brought my mind how different directors or people who work on movies can interpret a script or story line. Especially in the case of adopting a novel into a movie form, I would think that the actors or settings that one director approves of may differ from the preferences of another director if he were hired for the movie.

This image is meant to represent the Immaculate Conception, which one would be able to interpret without a verbal explanation.


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